Hydrostatic differential meter of local density of natural waters

V.A. Gaisky

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

Email: gaysky@inbox.ru 

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-3-50-58

UDC 621.384


   Variants of a meter for the local liquid density in a medium with high external pressure are proposed, which implement a hydrostatic measurement method using a reference liquid column and differential pressure of difference sensors. Such meters are intended for deep-sea oceanographic instruments, for example, probes, but can be used in other areas.

   The meter contains a vertical tube with a side hole and a mid-height branch pipe connecting the inner area of ​​the tube with a balloon having a body made of elastic material, a reference liquid filling the inner tube and the balloon, the first and second differential pressure sensors, respectively, with the lower and upper ends of the tube, installed inside the tube of the average temperature and average pressure sensor of the reference liquid and electronics framing.

   In the first version of the device, the measured density of the liquid is determined as the sum of the density of the reference liquid and the correction, depending on the readings of two differential sensors.

   In the second version of the device is contained two identical meters of the first version with different densities of reference liquids. The measured density is determined without using the acceleration of gravity and the base binding to the vertical.

   In the third version of the device is contained  n  identical meters of the first version with different densities of reference liquids and the measured density is determined either by  n  sub-ranges, or as the average   of  pair of measurements according to the second version.

   The fourth version of the device contains several meters with different density of the reference liquid, into which the thermoelectric heater-cooler of the reference liquid installed inside the tube is additionally introduced, which, by adjusting the temperature, equilibrates the measured one.

Keywords: hydrostatic density meter, thermodynamic equation of water state, hydrological probe.

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