P.D. Lomakin1,2, Yu.N. Ryabtsev1, A.I. Chepyzhenko1
1Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
E-mail: p_lomakin@mail.ru
2Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-3-59-67
UDC 504 + 551. 465
Based on the observational data analysis, it is shown that the bottom elevation located in the Omega Bay central part is a source of suspended matter and dissolved oil products. Using the numerical modeling methods, the regularities of suspended matter distribution in the system of wind currents from the bottom elevation area along of the Omega Bay are revealed. In articular, it is found that in the center of the investigated bay, in the area of bottom elevation, there is an accumulating effect associated with a quasi-stationary topographic eddy cell, which is formed due to the interaction of currents with this morphometric formation. Dissolved oil products and other pollutants accumulating here, as well as sand and debris, are carried along the bay water area by currents. It is revealed that the meridional winds of all directions contribute to the transfer of suspended matter from the area of elevation to the western coast of the bay to the beach area, to a small coastal area with a characteristic bend of the coastline. The most significant streams with suspended matter content are generated by northeastern and southeasterly winds. The north-east wind contributes to the formation of the most developed flow of suspended matter in the south-west direction. In this situation, the entire suspended matter flow is concentrated on the beach area with a characteristic bend of the coastline. Here the suspension content is the highest, up to 50-70% of the maximum, and the suspension core in the source, in the area of bottom uplift, is the most eroded. With a westerly wind, the main flow of suspended matter is directed to the eastern coast of the bay. The weak easterly winds, typical for Sevastopol, do not cause the removal of suspended matter from the central area of the investigated bay.
Keywords: dissolved oil products, suspended matter, wind, currents, modeling, pollution, Omega Bay, Crimea.
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