Application of non-positional representation of information in environmental monitoring systems

D.V. Moiseev1, N. E. Sapozhnikov2

 1Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33

2The Black Sea Higher Order of the Red Star Naval School named after P. S. Nakhimov, Russia, Sevastopol, Dybenko str., 1a


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-3-89-97

UDC 004.56                                                                    


   The state of the environment is an integral, key component of the generalized category of the quality of life of the population. In this regard, there is an objective need for developing methods and tools designed  to implement a system of continuous monitoring of key environmental indicators.

   The desire to improve the energy efficiency and versatility of information and control system devices leads to the complication of computational algorithms, exacerbating the problem of hardware costs, speed and accuracy, and increasing the requirements for fault tolerance of devices and noise immunity of communication channels during data transmission.

   In general, the essence of stochastic or probabilistic transformation of information into a non-positional probabilistic display is that any value of the converted quantity can be correlated with a certain probability – the probability that the value of the converted quantity will be greater than the value generated randomly within the range of change of the converted quantity.

   Developing advanced as well as promising information systems requires the creation of a unified architecture, with unified hardware and software based on comprehensive integration not only at the technical, but also at the functional level of the components of natural and technical information systems. The implementation of the above structure leads to a multiple increase in the volume of calculations on large-bit data arrays carried out in real time, and the complexity of computational algorithms. As a result, there are sharp contradictions between hardware costs, speed, accuracy and fault tolerance. The work is concerned with the formation of a methodology for the probabilistic representation and transformation of information and the development on its basis techniques, methods and algorithms for the synthesis of computer equipment devices and components for promising and existing information systems built on the domestic element base, which becomes an effective and high-tech means of overcoming these contradictions.

Keywords: probabilistic form of information representation and transformation, probability mapping, probabilistic processor, non-positional representation, information and control system.

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