Control and methodology of modeling hydrological processes in the design of hydraulic structures in the estuaries of rivers

D.A. Antonenkov1, A.E. Shchodro2

1Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2


2Institute of natural and technical systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenina St., 28


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-4-55-62

UDC 551.4.013 


   In this paper, we consider the instrumental base for studying the velocity fields and sediment transport, and also describe some simple calculations, which, first of all, allow us to assess the intensity of the river-bed process and proceed to predicting changes in large river-bed forms for the near future, with the consequences of the passage of one or a series of floods being estimated. More distant forecasts are also possible, taking into account assumptions about the nature of future possible hydrological phenomena.

   The article also presents a technique of hydraulic modeling of water flows by means of constructing flow plans in the design of hydraulic structures. On the basis of these calculations, both the specific flow rates of bottom and suspended sediments in each equal flow rate and the deformation of the river channel at different points in time can be determined. The results of physical experiments with spatial models of river sections are considered. The developed technique makes it possible to calculate the deformations of the bottom and shores and form a flow organization scheme, which, due to an increase in velocities in the center of the channel, ensures the sediment transport to more remote areas of the seashore, up to the open sea.

Keywords: sediments, silting, estuaries, hydraulic structures, design, modeling.

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