Improvement of technical means of control systems and protection of the marine environment from oil pollution

V.I. Istomin1, S.E. Tverskaya2

1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


2Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-4-63-70

UDC 629.12.03:628.33


   The main environmental problem in the operation of marine power plants is the pollution of water bodies with petroleum products, which are used as the main types of fuel and lubricating oils in the SEA and pose the greatest danger to the World Ocean

   The urgency of this problem is evidenced by the fact that environmental protection issues are reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a number of government resolutions have been issued that increase responsibility for compliance with national and international laws aimed at preventing pollution of water areas.

   Currently, the pollution of the World Ocean with oil and petroleum products has already reached 1/5 of its total surface. Only 1 ton of oil can cover up to 12 km2 of the sea surface. The oil film disrupts all physical and chemical processes: the temperature of the surface layer of water rises, gas exchange deteriorates.

   In connection with the tightened international and national requirements for the control and protection of the marine environment from oil pollution, environmental monitoring of the marine environment pollution with oil is carried out and new highly efficient technical means of oil-containing water purification systems are developed, which have high quality of oil-containing water purification, a long service life of filter elements, simple design and operation. The combined separation system for the purification of oily waters has a high efficiency and provides the purification of oily waters to a concentration of petroleum products lower than 5 million-1. The design of the regenerated filter and separator with granular loading ensures the regeneration of filter elements without disassembling and replacing them, which significantly simplifies the maintenance and operation of the system.

   By varying the composition of the components of the filter loading, which has different physical and chemical properties, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of purification and intensify the process of separating petroleum products from water.

Keywords: environmental monitoring; World Ocean; oil-containing waters; technical means; purification systems, efficiency, environmental safety.

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