I.B. Shirokov1, P.A. Evdokimov 2,1, E.I. Shirokova1
1Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
2Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E–mail: shirokov@ieee.org
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-4-71-82
UDC 504.064.38
This work is part of a project to create a device for monitoring changes in the composition of the air environment. The principle of operation of the device is based on a microwave phase-measuring method for determining changes in the dielectric permittivity of the air mixture, taking into account meteorological conditions. The article describes the main elements of the repeater unit, which is part of the measuring device. The results of modeling the developed band-pass filter, which is part of the waveguide path of the repeater, are presented. The finite element method implemented in the ANSYS HFSS software package is used for numerical analysis of the filter structure.
Experimental studies of the filter and circulator parameters have also been carried out. The experimental data obtained are in good agreement with the modeling results. The technical characteristics of the electronic part of the repeater unit, namely microwave amplifiers and a controlled phase shifter, are described. The questin of the energy of the device under development is considered and the power of the second-received measuring signal after its double passage of the investigated track is calculated, taking into account the energy parameters of the system.
Keywords: microwave oscillations, phase measurements, air composition, band-pass filter, microwave amplifier, controlled phase shifter, circulator.
To quote:
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- Evdokimov P.A. “Urban Ecological Monitoring” / P.A. Evdokimov, I.B. Shirokov, E.I. Shirokova //2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), St. Petersburg, Moscow, 2021. pp. 1829–1834.
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