Functional state of the marine microalgae cultures as an indicator of the water pollution level of the Sevastopol bay

L.V. Stelmakh, I.M. Mansurova

 A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS,

RF, Sevastopol, Nachimov Av., 2


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-4-83-90

UDC 582.26/.27.086.8


   This work shows the possibility of using Black Sea planktonic microalgae cultures of different taxonomic affiliation to assess the quality of the aquatic environment based on an assessment of their functional state. The research was carried out on five species of algae. Two parameters were used as indicators of the functional state of algae. The first was the deviation of the microalgae growth coefficient in the experimental flasks compared to the control, the second was the efficiency of photosystem II. The laboratory experiments in 50% of cases revealed a weak inhibitory effect of the complex coastal waters pollution on the algae growth. The growth of dinoflagellates species in most cases was stimulated by pollutants contained in the water of the Sevastopol Bay. Anthropogenic pollution of the water area affected not only the growth of algae, but also the efficiency of photosystem II. In control flasks, with the growth of enrichment cultures and the completion of the logarithmic growth phase, the efficiency of photosystem II at the end of the seven-day experiment decreased in comparison with the initial values. At the same time, in experimental flasks in most experiments performed in July and August 2021, on the seventh day, this parameter was higher than the control values. This was due to the stimulating effect of anthropogenic pollutants on the efficiency of photosystem II in microalgae. The results indicate the need to use several microalgae species of different taxonomic affiliation when biotesting sea waters.

Keywords: marine microalgae, biotesting of waters, complex monitoring, Sevastopol Bay, Black Sea.

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