Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic and technogenic factors on the contamination of the soil cover of the city

G.V. Khakimova, L.R. Asfandiyarova

 FSBEI HE «Ufa State Petroleum Technological University», Branch of Sterlitamak, RF, Sterlitamak, Oktyabrya Av., 2


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-4-118-123

UDC 631.45, 581.5


   Due to the intense anthropogenic load in limited areas, the problems of environmental pollution are becoming especially acute in cities: the amount of emissions from industrial enterprises and vehicles is currently growing, and chemical analysis of the content of pollutants in the soil cover is not carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the soil cover to increase and clarify information on air pollution, as well as to predict the pollution of ground and surface waters, which is especially relevant for assessing the ecological state of an industrial city.

   The aim of the study is to assess the ecological state of the territory of an industrial city based on monitoring the soil cover. In winter, the study of the soil cover of the urbanized territory for the content of the main pollutants was carried out. Analysis of the spatial distributions of the studied substances in the soil cover in the area of ​​influence of a large industrial center showed the variation of the content of pollutants due to the impact of anthropogenic sources; there is an excess of the background concentration for all tested ingredients. It has been established that the distribution of pollutants over the territory of the city is influenced by the physical and geographical characteristics of the area and the meteorological conditions of dispersion of pollutants. Experimental data indicate that a significant amount of harmful impurities enters the soil cover from the atmosphere, which can then be washed out into the soil and groundwater. In the course of the research, it has been determined that as a means of monitoring the impact of anthropogenic sources on the environment, it is advisable to use data on soil pollution in the study area.

Keywords: soil cover, chemical analysis, research, pollutants, anthropogenic impact, monitoring.

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