L.I. Osadchaya, L.A. Nichkova, A.R. Gerasimov, D.S. Shenin
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: lila1809@mail.ru, nichkova@sevsu.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-1-49-55
UDC 532.529.5
This paper presents the results of a study of the transformation of steam-water emissions from a cooling tower in the ambient atmospheric environment depending on meteorological factors. It is revealed that the structure of the water-steam plume of the cooling tower is heterogeneous. It is established that many factors, situations and conditions influence the distribution of emissions from cooling towers.
Analysis of the factors that determine the characteristics of steam-water emissions from cooling towers made it possible to group them into three main groups: technological, technical, and meteorological. The technological factors include: the flow rate of water entering the cooling tower, the nature of the air velocity field in the cooling tower, the thermal load, the concentration of pollutants in the cooling water. Technical factors include: the type of the cooling tower according to the way of organizing air draft, the type and characteristics of water distribution in the cooling tower, the type and characteristics of the water spray device, the presence and characteristics of the water trap , the geometric and aerodynamic characteristics of the cooling tower. The main meteorological factors are: the thermodynamic state of atmospheric air, wind characteristics, temporal variability of meteorological parameters, the combination of meteorological parameters in the climatic section. The paper also considers the behavior of steam and water emissions from the cooling tower in the ambient atmosphere depending on the above meteorological factors.
Three zones are identified in which the nature of thermoaerodynamic processes and the conditions of their flow change significantly: the zone of active aerodynamic processes, the transition zone and the flame zone. It is established that the dilution of the steam-water plume with polluted air is carried out throughout the volume due to its turbulence.
Using the above methodological developments allows determining the main design parameters of the cooling tower steam-water plume, in particular, temperature and humidity conditions.
Keywords: cooling tower, steam-water plume, thermic, vortex.
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