S.A. Gutnik, E.I. Azarenkо, G.A. Sigora, V.S. Gutnik, L.A. Nichkova, T.Yu. Khomenko
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: sigora1@yandex.ru, nichkova@sevsu.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-1-66-73
UDC 504.064:504.3.054
This article provides the rationale for the choice of the number and location of stationary and route posts for monitoring atmospheric air pollution, taking into account the zoning of the territory of the city of Sevastopol by an integral criterion (density of emission sources).
An assessment of the features of the terrain is made to determine the zone of influence of major sources of pollution. It is revealed that the difference in heights of the natural relief in the Sevastopol region is 0–922 m. As a criterion for determining the composition of the largest stationary sources of pollution, the volume of gross emissions is determined accounting for more than 20 tons / year. In accordance with this, a list of 19 major pollution sources has been compiled. For each of them, a characteristic of the terrain relief for emission sources is given.
Investigations of the intensity and composition of the flow are carried out on the most congested highways of the city of Sevastopol. Based on the data obtained and taking into account the list in the Appendix, a list of 30 roads for calculating dispersion is compiled and the corresponding initial data are determined.
The article presents a map of the location of emission sources. According to a number of criteria developed, the zoning of the territory of the city of Sevastopol is proposed, which will make possible to reasonably plan a network of air pollution monitoring posts to collect representative data.
Keywords: monitoring, atmospheric air, pollutants, zoning, the city of Sevastopol, stationary sources, highways, control posts.
To quote:
- Sigora G.A., Gutnik S.A., Azarenko E.I., Nichkova L.A., and Khomenko T.Yu. Povyshenie effektivnosti sistemy monitoringa atmosfernogo vozduha v gorode Sevastopole (Increasing the efficiency of the atmospheric air monitoring system in the city of Sevastopol). Sistemy kontrolya okruzhayushchej sredy, 2021, No. 1 (43), pp. 118–128. DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2021-1-118-128
- Report on the assessment of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Sevastopol by stationary and mobile sources (intermediate for stage 1), Vol. 1, Text part, Sevastopol, 2019, 80 p.
- Gorod Sevastopol’ v cifrah 2020 g. (City of Sevastopol in numbers 2020), Sevastopol, 2021, 195 p.
- http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200132267 (October 15, 2019).
- Report on the assessment of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Sevastopol by stationary and mobile sources (for the 2nd stage), Vol. 2, Text part, Sevastopol, 2020, 245 p.
- http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200133380 (October 15, 2019).