I.V. Agarkova-Lyakh
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: iva_crimea@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-1-86-93
UDC 551.3:502.057 (477.75+551.4.038)
Analysis of works on the study of exogenous geological processes (EGP) on the shores of Sevastopol published in the 20th century showed the spatial and temporal unevenness of carried out research and a limited number of thematic works. The reasons for this are the significant length of the coastline, the stages of economic development of the coastal territories of the region and their different accessibility, as well as a long period of restrictions on its attendance.
It is shown that for two decades of the 21st century there was a sharp increase in the number of regional works on the coastal exogenous processes, among which three main groups of studies were distinguished: 1) with a general or brief description of exogenous processes in the region; 2) with a description of the EGP for the Crimean Peninsula and little attention to the Sevastopol shores; 3) with the main emphasis on the coastal exogenous processes of Sevastopol between Cape Lukull and the village of Lyubimovka.
It was found that until 2006-2008 regular field observations of the coastal exogenous processes of Sevastopol were carried out by the Yalta branch of the Crimean Complex Hydrogeological Party of the Republic of Crimea and were concentrated mainly on its northern side.
The network of state monitoring of hasardrous EGP, which currently exists on the territory of Sevastopol, consisting of 10 observation points, is considered. It is indicated that the subject monitoring network is under construction and will include about 100 observation points.
It is noted that the creation of its own monitoring network is a serious step towards ensuring regional security, which will allow regular monitoring of EGP throughout the region in order to prevent their development according to dangerous or catastrophic scenarios.
Keywords: hazardous exogenous geological processes, seashores, Crimean landslide station, observation network, state and subject monitoring.
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