Adaptation of coastal vegetation to the ecological conditions of the land-sea contact zone

I.V. Agarkova-Lyakh1, K.V. Frolova1, A.M. Lyakh2

 1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28


2A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-2-73-83

UDC 551.468.1+574.24 (262.5+477.75)


   Coastal plants inhabit the land-sea contact zone, where shores are formed and periodically flooded. The environmental conditions in a coastal zone can be described by the following characteristics: salinination of all environments, high insolation and intense evaporation, aridity, lack of soil cover, low nutrient capacity and high dynamics of coastal sediments. It is found that among ecological factors, sea water has the greatest influence on plant life as a factor of salination and high mobility of coastal sediments.

   The following families and species have the highest occurrence on the Black Sea coast of Crimea: 1) Poaceae: Phragmites australis, Leymus racemosus, genus Elytrigia; 2) Brassicaceae: genus Crambe; 3) Papaveraceae: Glaucium flavum; 4) Apiaceae: Crithmum maritimum, Eryngium maritimum; 5) Chenopodiaceae: genus Halimione and genus Atriplex; 6) Asteraceae: Artemisia santonicum.

   Generalization and analysis of adaptations of 40 genera from 19 families of coastal vegetation allowed us to divide them into groups according to the following features: external and internal structure of the leaf, features of the root system, reproduction, habitus, duration of the flowering period. The greatest diversity of adaptations is related to salination, high insolation and evaporation, and sediments mobility. Similar adaptations are observed on different types of shores, so there is no direct correlation between the types of adaptations and their confinement to abrasional, accumulative, or abrasional-accumulative shores. The mechanisms of adaptation are determined by the species of the plant. Based on the frequency of species occurrence, we can talk about the dominance of biomorphological adaptations of external and internal structure of the leaf, the type of root system and reproduction among the plants of the Black Sea coast of Crimea.

Keywords: coastal vegetation, salination, Black Sea shores of Crimea, accumulative and abrasion shores, biomorphological adaptations.

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