A.V. Skatkov, Yu.V. Doronina, D.V. Moiseev
Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, RF, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: dmitriymoiseev@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-2-92-100
UDC 519.8
The article focuses on clarifying the terminology of environmental control systems based on the concept of idempotence as a property of repeatability and predictability of the monitoring result; the definition of an idempotent environmental control system is formulated. By idempotence, the authors understand the property of environmental control systems, when re—applied to the object of control, to give the same result (information product) as the first one. The feasibility of the information product property of environmental control systems – idempotence is part of the concept of Idempotent environmental control systems. The evaluation of the repeatability property is possible based on the analysis of the statistical stability of the information product of an idempotent environmental control system. The purpose of the article is to expand the concepts of environmental control systems, introduce a new class of idempotent environmental control systems and discuss system interactions in the information environment. The concept of the information environment control system as a component of the environmental control system is proposed. It is shown that on the basis of the presented generalized structural and functional scheme of an idempotent environmental control system, it is possible to form statistically stable solutions, and on the basis of estimates of the stability of the result to predict the required data volumes and statistically dependent variability of the environment (information, as part of the environment). A number of definitions concerning the clarification of the concepts of information environment control systems are proposed.
Keywords: information environment, environmental control system, information ecology.
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