Analysis of the formation of jet zonal flow as an element of oceanic circulation with different localization of wind action

A.B. Fedotov

 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

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DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-3-12-17

UDC 551.465.553                                                                                                        


   Within the framework of a numerical model of a two-layer ocean with a depth of layers corresponding to average oceanic conditions, a study of the evolution of large-scale circulation under the action of a stationary inhomogeneous external flow of vorticity in the meridional direction, simulating the effect of wind on the ocean, with different localization of wind load, was carried out. The experiments were performed for the same initial vorticity field formed with a numerical model using an explicit time integration scheme with constant dissipation parameters, three main wind load localization were selected: at the western shore, in the central part of the settlement area and at the eastern shore. The purpose of these numerical experiments was to study the processes of self-organization of the structure of large-scale ocean circulation in the presence of external disturbances, while the wind load field itself was used as such disturbances in the form of a flow of relative vorticity. In all three experiments, the spatial structure of the external vorticity flow was identical except for the longitude of the location of the disturbance zone itself. Experiments have shown that the most sensitive area of the current system to external influences is the area near the western shore, where the jet stream begins to form. With external influence on this area, the self-organizing processes of the formation of an extended jet stream are difficult, on the contrary, with external influence on the eastern region of the осеаn area under consideration, an intense jet stream is formed. The paper analyzes the spatial energy spectra of the flow field and wind action to explain the results of numerical experiments.

Keywords: synoptic variability, large-scale variability, wind-forced currents.

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