M.N. Penkov1, S.A. Sholar1,2, O.A. Stepanova1
1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: solar-ua@ya.ru
2FRC Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
E-mail: sa.sholar@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-3-37-43
UDC 577.35. 578.4. 57.08. (262.5)
The installations described in the literature that create electromagnetic fields (EMF) to study its effect on biological objects are distinguished by the complexity of the devices and the lack of control. The purpose of the work performed was the development, creation and testing of a simple laboratory setup for studying the effect of an alternating EMF on marine microbiota (suspensions of algal viruses and liquid cultures of microalgae) in comparison with the results in the control.
The laboratory setup was developed on the basis of the Laboratory of Hydrophysical and Bioelectronic Measurement Systems and Technologies of the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems. The created device makes it possible to study the effect of electromagnetic exposure in the frequency range of 25–150 Hz and the input signal level of 24–100 mV with a maximum duration of more than a day. In the installation, in addition to the built-in generator, which allows you to adjust the frequency range, it is possible to connect an external generation source in a wider range. The built-in amplifier regulates the magnitude of the EMF effect on laboratory containers (glass laboratory glassware) with biological samples under study placed inside the solenoids (coils). The studies were carried out with two different characteristics – the minimum with a frequency of 25 Hz and a signal level of 24 mV (B = 0.1 Gs) and the maximum with a frequency of 150 Hz and a signal level of 100 mV (B = 0.11 Gs).
The results obtained indicate the response of the marine microbiota to the EMF exposure with both maximum and minimum characteristics. At the same time, the value of the response depended on the duration of stay in the EMF.
Keywords: laboratory facility (setup), electromagnetic field, electromagnetic influence on microbiota, frequency, and power.
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