N.A. Zhilnikova, A.A. Baranova, V.O. Smirnova, I.A. Shishkin
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation,
RF, Saint-Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya St., 67
E-mail: nataliazhilnikova@gmail.com
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-3-79-83
UDC 004.9, 504.064.3, 504.064.4
The paper focuses on the main approaches and issues of management and monitoring in territorial natural production complexes, considering the industry specifics of industrial enterprises. In the management system of territorial natural-production complexes it is proposed to take into account the need to ensure regulated levels of compliance of production processes with the best available technologies, changes in environmental legislation, ensuring environmental standards for permissible impact standards and individual standards for permissible discharges for individual water users within the framework of basin systems for the integrated use and protection of water resources. The possibilities of modern mathematical support of geoinformation systems are determined. The necessity of more active use of automation tools is revealed, especially with simultaneous control of many parameters. The structure of information-algorithmic support for environmental quality control and regulation of the technogenic load from production systems is developed. A method for managing a territorial natural-production complex based on geoinformation technologies and a functional model for normalizing the permissible impact of production systems is proposed, which considers the specifics of the entire spectrum of their production and technological characteristics. Information and algorithmic support for the formation of geoinformation systems projects for the environmental regulation of the technogenic load of the territorial natural-production complex using the Gulf of Finland, recommendations to substantiate a decrease in the mass of pollutants from water users by 15–35%.
Keywords: natural-production complex, geoinformation systems, technogenic load, geoinformation modeling.
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