Investigation of the effect of illumination on the error of vibration measuring of technological objects by the photomodulation holographic method

V.A. Nurzai, Yu.M. Bykovsky

 Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-3-117-126

UDC [621.8-045.79:535.241.46]:519.237.5                                                                   


   The cause of emergency situations of man-made objects is often a deviation from the norm of the vibrational parameters of machines, units, mechanisms or supports. Early fixation of the vibration going beyond the established limits allows taking measures to prevent or reduce the consequences of the development of an accident. This makes further development and improvement of industrial vibrometry methods relevant.

   Promising methods for monitoring the vibration state at industrial facilities with the constant presence of working personnel are non-contact optical measurement methods, without using lasers, based on the modulation of the properties of reflected light with using a digital video camera as a sensor.In  the article, the effect of surface illumination on the measurement error of vibration by the photomodulation holographic method is investigated. An experiment was carried out to find the optimal illumination of a vibrating surface. A regression analysis of the obtained statistical data was applied, within which a nonlinear quadratic equation was obtained for the dependence of the minimum distinguishable amplitude of movements on illumination. The adequacy of the model was confirmed by the Fisher criterion, and optimal illumination ranges were found by means of dispersion analysis.

   It is shown that the organization of specialized illumination for the measurement process itself is possible under production conditions and does not contradict illumination standards.

Keywords: vibration measurement, optical control, regression analysis.

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