V.V. Antonovich1, O.Yu. Antokhina1, P.N. Antokhin1, V.G. Arshinova1,
M.Yu. Arshinov1, B.D. Belan1, S.B. Belan1, D.K. Davydov1, G.A. Ivlev1,
A.V. Kozlov1, Sh.Sh. Maksyutov2, T. Machida2, D.A. Pestunov1, I.V. Ptashnik1,
T.M. Rasskazchikova1, D.E. Savkin1, Sasakawa2, D.V. Simonenkov1,
T.K. Sklyadneva1, G.N. Tolmachev1, A.V. Fofonov1
1Institute of Atmospheric Optics named after V.E. Zuev, SB of RAS, Tomsk, RF
2National Institute for Environmental Research, Tsukuba, Japan
E–mail: bbd@iao.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-4-61-69
UDC 551.510.42
For the representativeness of the observations, it was necessary to expand the location area of the network of stations. This was done while creating the Russian Japanese greenhouse gas monitoring network JR-STATION. It covers almost the entire territory of Western Siberia and was established as part of the international Russian Japanese cooperation between the Institute of Atmospheric Optics named after V.I. V.E. Zuev (IAO SB RAS) and the National Institute for Environmental Research (NIER, Tsukuba, Japan).
Air sampling is carried out, as a rule, from two altitude levels, with the upper one being limited by the actual height of the mast, and the lower one always located above the upper cut of the surrounding woody vegetation (from 15 to 40 m). Concentration measurements are carried out hourly for each of the altitude level, and twice a day, a calibration procedure is performed for three PGM.
All posts are equipped with the same type of equipment. The measurement process is fully automated and does not require constant operator performance, which in turn reduces the human impact, thereby increasing the result reproducibility and reducing the measurement error.
The monitoring shows that throughout Western Siberia there is a steady increase in the concentration of CO2 and CH4, and it is much higher over the southern regions. The conducted long-term monitoring showed that, depending on the region, the increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the surface air layer is 2.17–2.44 mln-1 per year, and the increase in methane content is 6–11 bln-1per year. This exceeds the average growth rate of these gases on the planet. The smallest variability is typical for N2O. On average, the concentration increases at a rate of 0.80 bln-1 per year.
Keywords: atmosphere, station, greenhouse gases.
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- WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin No. 17. 25 October 2021. 8 p.