Mathematical models and methods of multilevel optimization of structural synthesis of UMV information exchange channels for environmental control systems

D.V. Moiseev, A.V. Skatkov, A.A. Bryukhovetskiy

 Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-4-133-142

UDC 004.56                                              


   In this paper, we propose a solution to the problems of constructing mathematical models and methods of multilevel optimization of the structural synthesis of information exchange channels of unmanned vehicles located in various environments and used in systems for continuous monitoring of key environmental indicators and forecasting the occurrence of abnormal ecosystem conditions. As it is known, such features as irregular traffic, the criticality of the transmitted information (in terms of transmission time and content), and, as a consequence, the need to organize high bandwidth, noise immunity and reliability of transmitting channels are specific for communication channels between unmanned vehicles. Therefore, the search for ways of integrated use of heterogeneous communication channels is an important and urgent scientific task, the solution of which requires the modernization of principles in the organization of management of unmanned vehicles.

   The mathematical models and methods of multilevel optimization of the structural synthesis of information exchange channels of unmanned vehicles proposed by the authors allow performing multilevel optimization of the structural synthesis of information exchange channels. The authors have constructed a generalized structural and functional scheme of multilevel optimization of structural synthesis of information exchange channels of unmanned vehicles for environmental control systems. This model can be applied in other subject areas where optimization of the selected parameters is required, for example, when detecting vulnerabilities in the interfaces of unmanned vehicles in the infrastructure of a smart city.

Keywords: unmanned vehicle, information exchange channels, cyber-physical systems, environmental control system.

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