A laboratory setup for studying the influence of ultraviolet load on marine microbiota

P.V. Gaisky1, S.A. Sholar1, O.A. Stepanova2

 1FRC Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2

2Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

E-mail: gaysky@inbox.ru

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-4-70-77

UDC 57.08+573.7                                               


   In the summer of 2022, an important report of an ozone hole existence above the tropics was made. It was reported to be located about 24 km above the Earth’s surface, being 7 times larger than the one that was discovered in 1985 in Antarctica. According to scientists, due to the occurrence of a new ozone hole, millions of people, as well as local ecosystems, marine life (flora and fauna), and agriculture, may suffer.

   Considering the relevance and insufficient study of the problem on the effect of UV radiation on the marine microbiota, our goal was to develop and test a laboratory setup that allows creating a UV load on representatives of marine phytoplankton using microalgae cultures as an example.

   The setup is based on a shielded thermostat box with a top open to natural light and cylindrical transparent containers (for experiment and control) separated by a UV reflective screen. On the sides of the container intended for the experiment, there are two longitudinal UV lamps (UV-A, 316÷365 nm) with a total emitting power of up to 3 W.

   Using the setup and a laboratory measuring complex with a set of hydrological sensors (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, etc.), as well as performing regular monitoring of optical characteristics, experiments were carried out on the effect of the specified UV radiation on the algal pure culture of the marine microalgae Tetraselmis viridis. During the experiments, a difference in the course of redox processes and in characteristics between experimental and control samples of the marine microbiota – microalgae cultures – in sensitivity to viral lysis and in optical density was recorded.

Keywords: laboratory setup, ultra-violet radiation, UV exposure, marine microbiota, microalgae culture.

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