Setup for cultivating microalgae of different size groups in natural conditions and estimating the environmental situation in water bodies

A.S. Gulin1, R.P. Trenkenshu1, A.O. Dykman2

1The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of Southern Seas of RAS,

RF, Sevastopol, Nachimov Av., 2


2Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-4-93-97 

UDC 57.087:[582.26/.27:581.143]+574.5                                                                 


   This work analyses the relevance of microalgae cultivation. Since microalgae have a short growth cycle, and the production does not require high financial costs, with only water, sunlight and nutrients needed for their cultivation. They do not take up fertile land and there are no seasonal restrictions. Thus, microalgae are considered to be of interest as an object of mariculture.

   The paper presents the main problems and challenges that arise when identifying new promising types of microalgae with a high growth rate for obtaining biologically valuable substances.
Various systems for cultivation are considered and their advantages and disadvantages are given. It is concluded that the most promising system is floating photobioreactors.

   A hybrid design of an open pond and a closed photobioreactor is developed. The proposed setup makes it possible to estimate some ecological characteristics (indicators). It also has a potential to be used in biotechnology and in research practice for studying new promising types of microalgae with a high growth rate aimed at obtaining biologically valuable substances.Moreover, it can be used for studying phagotrophy.

Keywords: cultivator, photobioreactor, floating cultivator, microalgae.

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