Hydrodynamic model for control of the structure of secondary flows and their visualization in areas of sharply uneven flow movement in river estuaries

D.A. Antonenkov1, A.E. Shchodro2

1Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, RF, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2

 E-mail: dmitry_science@mail.ru

2Institute of natural and technical systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenina St., 28

E-mail: alexeug-petrov@yandex.ru

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2022-4-123-132

UDC 551.4.013                                                                                                         


   This paper describes a hydrodynamic model of the structure of a developed turbulent flow in the spatial zone of flow separation behind an obliquely located obstacle in areas of sharply uneven flow movement.

   The spontaneous occurrence of helical currents in nature can be extremely dangerous, it is they that cause the greatest depths of local washouts at coastal protection structures, bun heads and semi-dams, as well as at bridge supports. They can also result in increased turbulence, large-scale pressure pulsations, especially in the zone of the beginning of the vortex roller, leading to significant erosion intensity and effective transfer of the blurred material along the axis of the screw, and spreading over the water area. They contribute to the emergence of additional circulation currents of a weak type in the flow, as well as the intensification of some litho-dynamic processes, the transfer of sediments and associated changes in the configuration of the bottom, as well as to the development of washouts, the processing of harmful sediments in the eroded soil, local deterioration of water quality.

   The application of the developed model makes it possible to determine tangential stresses on the bottom surface and at any point in the considered flow region. The value of these stresses, in turn, will allow us to assess the developing ability of the flow, the possibility of formation of sediments and the intensity of turbulence, which determines the mass transfer characteristics. The considered technique of visualization of secondary flows based on the PIV method allows you to construct vector fields of the flow velocity at different horizons and visualize the structure of the water flow.

Keywords: flow, sediments, estuaries, hydraulic structures, design, modeling.

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