Study of the precipitation regime on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region

Е.А. Rybak1,2

 1Branch of Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, 99/18 Kurortny Avenue, Sochi, Russia

2FRC SSC RAS, 2/28 Yana Fabritsiusa Str., Sochi, Russia


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-38-45

UDC 551.5+551.3                                                                                            


   In the 21st century in Russia, there is an urgent need to obtain objective assessments of the nature of climate change. The consequences of climate change can significantly affect the economic development of society and human security. To make scientifically based decisions aimed at reducing possible negative consequences of climate change, a detailed and comprehensive study of the dynamics of natural and climatic characteristics and the establishment of a trend in their change is necessary. Under these conditions, a special attention should be paid to the analysis of annual and seasonal amounts of precipitation, and the identification of trends in the precipitation regime. The nature of changes in the amount of precipitation can differ significantly even in adjacent areas, therefore, as a rule, the analysis is carried out for each region separately. At the same time, it should be noted that such studies have not been carried out for most regions of the Russian Federation, including the territory of the Krasnodar Region.

   In this work, we used data on monthly sums of atmospheric precipitation at meteorological stations on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Region from 1960 to 2022 (freely available data). Average long-term indices (climatic norms) were calculated for each season and each year. Next, the results were compared with the base level of 1961-1990 and decades with excessive and insufficient precipitation were determined.

   The results obtained allow studying changes in the intensity of the manifestation of natural hazards (landslides, mudflows, floods) in a changing climate.

Keywords: atmospheric precipitation, regime of precipitation, regional climate, climate-forming factors, linear trend, Black Sea Coast of Krasnodar Region.

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