R.F. Mulyukova, Y.R. Yanturina, I.R. Yausheva, E.K. Aminova, L.Z. Kasyanova, A.A. Islamutdinova, D.S. Bychеk
Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
in Stertitamak, RF, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak, October Av., 2
E-mail: k.elmira.k@yandex.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-70-76
UDC 667.6
In this paper, an eco-friendly solution to the problem of accumulation of solid catalyst waste from the dehydrogenation process is proposed. The method is considered on the example of GOST 18172-80. Currently, an acute global problem is known to be the processing and subsequent use of waste from various industries. One of the large-tonnage technogenic wastes of petrochemical synthesis are catalysts that have served their time and are not subject to further operation and disposal. The paper shows the following solution to this problem: to make a pigment from spent iron oxide catalysts, which are to be used in the production of paints, primers, anticorrosive coatings for atmospheric conditions, and can also be used as a volumetric dye in decorative concrete products. The paper describes in detail the method of determining the qualitative characteristics of the pigment according to the requirements and norms for the physico-chemical parameters of iron oxide pigment.
The proposed method was tested on a spent iron oxide catalyst in the petrochemical industry. The mass of iron, the mass fraction of iron in terms of Fe2O3, the mass fractions of substances soluble in water, the mass fractions of water and volatile substances, oil capacity, hiding power, the residue after dry sieving, the pH of the aqueous suspension of the pigment were determined. Thus, the normative physico-chemical parameters of the pigment of the brand Zh-2 (GOST 18172-80) and the experimental data obtained for the pigment from spent iron oxide catalysts were compared. Based on the results of this work, it was concluded that the proposed method for determining the physico-chemical parameters of pigment from spent iron oxide catalysts allows using them as a pigment.
Keywords: waste processing, iron oxide catalyst, environmental problems, safe composition, pigment.
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