L.O. Shtripling, V.V. Bazhenov, N.S. Bazhenova, E.Yu. Zhemchugova
Omsk State Technical University, RF, Omsk, Mira Av., 11
E-mail: Losht59@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-99-107
UDC 504.064.3
The article presents a method and a methodology implemented on its basis for identifying a source that allowed an excess emission, in conditions of limited accuracy of computational and instrumental methods for determining concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air. The method consists in determining the source whose emissions led to a violation of the quality of atmospheric air, according to the values of concentrations of pollutants obtained by a mobile laboratory at two points. According to the obtained concentration values, mass emissions are calculated at the sources that emit the fixed substance. Then hypotheses about the culpability of a particular source of pollution are put forward and tested. In relation to the calculated mass emissions and the multiplicity of exceeding the established standards, a conclusion is made about the culpability of the source in the recorded violation.
The presented technique is implemented in the form of a software product and tested in a mobile laboratory. According to the data recorded by the laboratory, calculations were carried out and the source that allowed an excess emission was identified. The results of the inspection of enterprises carried out by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Omsk region confirmed the assumption made about the guilt of a specific source. Thus, the developed method of localization of the source of excess emission has confirmed its adequacy and accuracy in determining such sources.It is concluded that the proposed method makes it possible to compensate for inaccuracies when using instrumental measurements and calculation methods to identify the source of excess emission.
Keywords: pollution, atmospheric air, excess emission, source of atmospheric pollution, localization of the source, concentration of a chemical substance.
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