A.V. Skatkov, Yu.V. Doronina, A.A. Bryukhovetskiy
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Sevastopol State University», RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: YVDoronina@sevsu.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-108-117
UDC 519.8
An approach to the development of monitoring process management methods based on the use of scenario technology is proposed, as an extension of the algorithmic approach, which enables, based on the formalization of the concept of scenario, to justify system solutions and improve technical and economic indicators in natural-technical systems. In contrast to the algorithmic approach, the scenario approach implies an active interactivity of decision-making processes based on the typification of the structural organization of the operational support of tasks. The advantages of the scenario approach relative to the algorithmic one are revealed; within the framework of the proposed definitions, the principles of constructing a correct scenario are formulated, which reduces the resource intensity of management.
The proposed scenario approach has a number of advantages:
– flexibility in terms of structural and functional (operational) components.
– orientation to the solution of scalability problems, including on the basis of the application of the principle of the permanence of the evaluation functional.
– universality, i.e., applicability to various fields related to data monitoring, for example, in the field of quality research of information telecommunication channels that are important for the functioning of unmanned vehicles.
Within the framework of the proposed definitions, the principles of constructing a correct scenario are formulated, which reduces the resource intensity of management. The scenario approach based on the introduced definitions and provisions allowed forming the basis of a systematic approach to the implementation of tasks by monitoring process management in the NTS. In tasks of this kind, the use of typical scenarios will significantly speed up decision-making when managing monitoring processes.
Keywords: scenario approach, natural-technical systems, environmental control systems, monitoring, operation mode management.
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