V.I. Shvetsova
Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33
E-mail: lerasevas@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-143-149
UDC 62-523.8
The paper presents a generalized analysis of the human operator reliability in ergatic systems for monitoring and protecting explosive objects using the fire extinguishing system as an example. Also, attention is drawn to the fact that when developing and designing ergatic systems, their structural reliability is formally taken into account according to analogues of similar systems or sources for other purposes, and the ergatic component of an operator reliability is not taken into account or is formally taken from some sources. This is obviously due to the lack of knowledge of this issue, and consequently the lack of available methods for its assessment. Therefore, a comprehensive study of ergatic systems for monitoring and protecting objects of increased danger suggests their study as a whole, which allows achieving new qualitative results. The system is considered as a whole which makes it possible to use the same mathematical apparatus to describe its reliability.
The possibility of studying the human operator reliability in ergatic systems for monitoring and protecting objects of increased danger based on the hypothesis that a person in the system perceives signals and reactions as other technical elements is substantiated. A fragment of the general tabular morphological matrix of characteristics of a human operator is given, forms of recording an analytical matrix of characteristics and properties of a person and their structuring by characteristic groups are also presented.
As a result, a methodological approach is proposed to take into account the reliability of a human operator based on the use of morphological and structural analyzes which consists in taking the most significant actions (functions) of a person in an ergatic system from a variety of possible characteristics.
Keywords: ergatic control system, reliability, human operator characteristics, morphological analysis.
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