Analysis of the toxicity of aromatic hydrocarbons using modern instrumental biotesting methods

P.V. Manakhova, A.V. Smirnov, О.K. Tishkova, А.S. Kovalevskaya

Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”,

RF, Saint-Petersburg, Popova St., 5


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-2-38-48

UDC 504.064.38



Aromatic hydrocarbons are widely used in the chemical, oil refining and pharmaceutical industries and inevitably end up in industrial wastewater. According to the Water Code of the Russian Federation, before discharging wastewater into the environment, it is necessary to conduct a toxicological analysis using biotesting methods. Biotesting implies the study of behavioral reactions of living test objects (mainly protozoa) during their interaction with a potentially dangerous environment. Analysis of the scientific literature, as well as the past research, indicates that protozoa predominantly have an individual behavior when interacting with organic compounds. At the same time, aromatic hydrocarbons are extremely toxic compounds, the hazard analysis of which must be carried out on the most sensitive and suitable organisms. The toxicity of samples containing aromatic hydrocarbons is studied within this article utilizing the most common test-organisms: the ciliates Paramecium caudatum Ehrenberg and the biosensor “Ecolum”. Benzene and its closest homologues (xylene, toluene, and ethylbenzene) were chosen as the object of study. Theoretically, it was expected that the toxicity of compounds would increase with increasing concentrations of compounds in samples. However, experimental data contradict theoretical expectations. The relationship between the toxicity indices and concentration of chemical compounds under study corresponds to a polynomial regression model, sometimes even taking negative values, which can be interpreted as a favorable environment for living organisms. The result is contrary to logic, since the chemical compounds considered within this article belong to hazard class 3 and higher. The results obtained indicate that the considered methods might not reflect the actual toxicity in case of the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons in samples.

Keywords: wastewater, aromatic hydroxarbones, toxicity, biotesting, Paramecium caudatum, «Ecolum».

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