Influence of spatial variations of geological environmental factors on the results of radon measurements

M.V. Kalashnikova

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation,

RF, St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya St., 67, lit. A.


DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-2-49-56

UDC 551. 2                                                                  


This article is concerned with the main spatial variations of geological environmental factors that affect the results of measurements of the level of volumetric radon activity in the air of residential buildings in St. Petersburg. As part of the study, a field experiment was conducted on the territory of St. Petersburg in 2022–2023. A geoinformation system was built based on the data of the average annual equivalent equilibrium volume activity of radon and its daughter products in the city. The study also analyzed the main geological factors of the city (tectonic plate fault, tectonic activity). Based on the results of the analysis, thematic maps of the territory of the city were created. Based on the data obtained, the average annual equivalent equilibrium volume activity of radon and thoron daughter products in the air of residential buildings, indicators of variation, as well as an empirical correlation ratio were calculated. Based on the results of the study, conclusions were drawn about the influence of geological environmental factors on the measurement results.

Keywords: radon, geological factors, spatial variation, natural environment, volume activity, percentage approach.

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