M.V. Michurina, E.V. Khayretdinova, E.K. Aminova, I.V. Ovsyannikova, L.Z. Kasyanova,
A.A. Islamutdinova
Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
in Stertitamak, RF, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak, October Av., 2
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-2-67-73
UDC 665.7
EDN: https://elibrary.ru/jjexkv
In the course of this work, the possibility of using waste from the production of ethyl alcohol – grain dust as a basis for obtaining a soil modifier was considered. The agrochemical complex is currently developing rapidly, and the acreage is increasing. The resulting raw materials are processed not only at the enterprises of our country, but also exported. Grain dust contains valuable components such as phosphorus, nitrogen, which can be useful for increasing soil fertility. Disposal of grain dust burial will reduce the environmental burden on the environment and increase the waste-free production. The toxicity of grain dust was studied using the method of HDPE F T 14.1:2:4.19-2013. Toxicity assessment was carried out for untreated and processed grain dust samples according to three parameters: seed germination, average length of seedlings and average dry weight of seedlings. The conducted research shows that the most sensitive parameters are the average length and average dry weight of watercress seedlings. The results obtained indicate the acute toxicity of the untreated grain dust under study, however, after processing, a decrease in the toxicity of grain dust was revealed.
Keywords: grain dust, soil modifier, toxicity, watercress, phytotesting, environmental pollution, environmental problems.
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