Y.E. Shishkin, A.V. Skatkov
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-2-74-83
UDC 621.384
EDN: https://elibrary.ru/lfjsze
The article focuses on the development and advancement of information technology for solving tasks related to the synthesis of optimal structures of heterogeneous monitoring networks designed to collect various parameters of natural-technical systems. It highlights the relevance of adapting existing network structures to dynamically changing environmental conditions, the emergence of new, more advanced instruments, and observation tools amid a growing need for timely data on the state of the environment. The discussion addresses several issues related to enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and adaptability of distributed monitoring systems through the creation of an integrated network consisting of various complementary measuring devices. Special attention is given to how this unified network structure generates new properties such as increased fault tolerance and self-organization, demonstrating the emergence of such an approach. Proposed algorithms consider the cost of installation and operation of devices at network nodes, their residual entropy, throughput, and lifespan under specified conditions. The presented multimodal complex serves to optimize resource allocation across the network with the goal of maximizing overall data collection efficiency and minimizing response time to ecological changes. Moreover, the use of multilevel hierarchical structures that employ numerical and simulation-based algorithms enables adaptive network reconfiguration in real time, taking into account current ecological and technological trends.
Keywords: heterogeneous monitoring network, multimodal complex, multicriterial optimization, device placement optimization, computer modeling.
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