An informational approach to the assessment of characteristics of the results of the earth remote sensing

Yu.V. Doronina1, A.M. Skatkov2 

1Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33


2St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin),

RF, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov St., 5

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-2-126-135       

UDC 519.8



The article focuses on solving the problem of developing an informational approach to approximate estimation of probabilistic and entropic characteristics of object detection results during remote sensing of the Earth. One of the promising options for overcoming these difficulties is an approach based on the ideas of dual management proposed by A.A. Feldbaum. All the considered cases fit into a functionally complete quadrant of situations characterized by different times and angles. At small angles and over time, entropy increases slightly. At small angles and long time, entropy decreases, but only at small angles does it still reach high values. At large angles and short time, the entropy manages to reach a maximum already at the first conventional unit of time and begins to decrease at the second. This is observed at angles 35°, 40°, 45°, 50°. With some variability, one important property of monotonous dependence on the magnitude of the angle is observed: the larger the angle, the smaller the distance to the initial position at the last conventional unit of time, i.e. the phase portrait of the variability of entropies is closer to the closed type. Taking into account the results obtained, a framework scheme of a decision support system for controlling the parameters of the Earth remote sensing process depending on time at different angles of dispersion growth is proposed. It is shown that it is important to consider the peculiarities of changes in entropy increments when implementing stepwise control of the dispersion growth angles. The proposed informational approach made it possible to increase the degree of validity of decisions made to control the parameters of remote sensing of the Earth.

Keywords: remote sensing of the Earth, informational approach, probability of detection, entropy of the process, spacecraft, nonstationary dispersion, decision support system.

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