Methodology for correcting dynamic errors in deep-sea measurements of hydrogen sulfide ions

Y.E. Shishkin1,2, O.Y. Shapovalov1

1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

2Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-3-58-64

UDC 551.466.86        



For the implementation of automated measurements of hydrogen sulfide ion concentrations dissolved in seawater, ion-selective electrodes are commonly used in practice. These electrodes are characterized by significant time constants, leading to considerable dynamic errors when determining the vertical profiles of these parameters obtained using hydrochemical probes in a “down-up” motion. To correct dynamic errors in hydrochemical measurements, a traditional method involving the differentiation of temporal measurement results is often applied. However, this method results in increased levels of random error, especially with high time constants in the primary measuring transducers. In this context, the analysis of vertical profiles of measured parameters is an important tool for controlling the accuracy of the applied correction and for assessing the time constant of the measurement channel under real operating conditions of the probe. This study focuses on investigating the use of vertical profiles for correcting dynamic errors in the measurement of hydrochemical parameters with primary measuring transducers with high time constants. The proposed methodology eliminates the need for differentiating the measured parameter, thus avoiding an increase in the levels of random error. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed through measurements of vertical profiles of hydrogen sulfide ions using the hydrochemical complex.

Keywords: hydrochemical probe, vertical profile, sensor inertia, dynamic error, error correction.

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