Optical characteristics of microalgae culture in installation with external light sensors

R.P. Trenkenshu, A.S. Gulin

1The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS,

 RF, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-3-65-70

UDC [579:582.26/.27]:581.143:535.34/.35                

EDN: https://elibrary.ru/lhlupv


The paper formulates the main problems that arise when determining the biomass of a microalgae culture using flow-through optical sensors, namely the need to immerse them in the culture, ensure circulation of the cultural suspension through the sensor, and combat fouling of the internal surfaces of the sensor. Taking into account the above shortcomings, a new system for determining biomass using external optical sensors is proposed, which makes it possible to assess the culture density, pigment composition and light conditions in which cells are grown in cultivation systems. External optical sensors do not require immersion in the culture, nor do they require continuous circulation of the culture medium. Based on the performed mathematical modeling and readings of external sensors on the input illuminated surface and at the output of the plane-parallel installation, equations are obtained that make it possible to calculate the pigment concentration in the microalgae culture. It is found that the absorption coefficient values ​​obtained during experimental measurements deviate from the Bouguer-Lambert-Baer law. This deviation is most pronounced in the region of high pigment concentrations and the corresponding culture density. For the most accurate description of experimental data over the entire range of culture densities, a semi-empirical equation is proposed.

Keywords: optical method of biomass control, pigment composition, chlorophyll, external light sensors.

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