Radioecological problems of transuranic elements of Chernobyl origin

L.I. Lukina, D.V. Moiseev

Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, Universitetskaya St., 33

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-3-71-78

UDC 504.5:546.798.2                                               



In this work it’s shown that currently most of the short−lived β–emitter 241Pu of Chernobyl origin has passed into the long-lived α-emitter 241Am. In the 38 years since the Chernobyl accident, the study of its radioecological consequences continues. Extensive scientific and practical experience has been accumulated, which is necessary to ensure the environmental safety of nuclear energy in the future. However, there are radioecological problems that cause concern to scientists and the public. Due to the high migration activity of Americium in ecosystems, this process presents a radioecological problem. The resulting americium-241 poses the main radiological danger in plutonium-contaminated areas. The aim of the work is to study the dynamics of the natural decay of 241Pu, which is a β-emitter with a relatively short half-life T1/2 = 14.4 years and the formation of its daughter product 241Am – a-emitter with T1/2 = 432.6 years and compare their physico-chemical and toxicological properties. In conclusion, the work concludes that at present 241Am, along with the isotope of plutonium 238Pu, has actually become the main dose-converting radionuclide among the isotopes of transuranic elements. Taking into account the increase in the activity of 241Am due to the decay of 241Pu, long (hundreds and thousands of years) half-lives of other plutonium isotopes, territories contaminated with TUE of Chernobyl origin will be unsuitable for national economic activity for many thousands of years.

Keywords: Chernobyl accident, transuranic elements, plutonium, americium, radio-ecological problems.

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