Impact of alternating electromagnetic field on morphology and pigment composition of marine microalgae and cyanobacteria

N.A. Andreeva1, M.N. Penkov1, E.V. Shupova2

1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

2Sevastopol State University, RF, Sevastopol, University St., 33

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-4-28-37

UDC 577.35. 582.273+561.232                               



The effect of an alternating magnetic field (EMF) on the morphology and pigment composition of the microalgae Porphyridium and two cultures of the cyanobacteria Aphanocapsa and Synechococcus was studied using an experimental laboratory setup. The experiment was conducted in five stages. The results clearly demonstrated that the change in pigment levels in all cultures was affected by increasing the exposure time from 10 to 14 days to 21 days in EMF at 300Hz and 135 mV (second stage). In such cases, an increase in their abundance was observed. Insignificant changes in the morphology of Porphyridium and Aphanocapsa cultures were revealed only in the third stage, when a marginal decrease in pigment content was initiated.  Increasing the field intensity to 450 mV (fourth step) caused a pronounced decrease in the number of pigments. Morphological characteristics in microalgae and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus were also recorded. At EMF frequency of 600 Hz and intensity of 450 mV (fifth stage) a continued decrease in the pigment content in the experimental samples of all cultures compared to the control occurred, although the microalgae Porphyridium also demonstrated evident morphological changes. Such changes were not registered for the studied strains of cyanobacteria at the time of the experiment termination.

Keywords: alternating electromagnetic field (EMF), EMF parameters, marine microalgae, cyanobacteria, culture morphology, pigment composition, relative optical density.

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