Oil-type hydrocarbons in atmospheric fallout at the Sevastopol seaside (Crimea)


L.L. Smyrnova1, N.N. Dyakoff2, I.V. Mityukova2, S.A. Zhiliaev2

1Institute of Natural and Technical Systems,

 RF, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

2Sevastopol branch of the State Oceanographic Institute named after N.N. Zubova,

 RF, Sevastopol, Sovetskaja St., 61

 Е-mail: inik48@inbox.ru

 DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2024-4-73-82

UDC 502.65:553.982.2                                     

EDN: https://elibrary.ru/odyrwu


The Sevastopol seaside is characterized by a high level of pollution with crude oil components and its refined products. Oil hydrocarbons evaporate from the surface of the sea and highways, transform in the troposphere and return to various underlying surfaces as part of atmospheric fallout. The purpose of the work was to study the content of oil-type aliphatic hydrocarbons in monthly total atmospheric fallout (wet precipitation, settling aerosol) using IR spectroscopy. Sampling was carried out in a sampler with distilled water installed on the weather site of the building of the SB SOIN, height above sea level ~100 m. In all studied samples in different seasons, the presence of oil-type alkanes was recorded. During 2022 – 2023 their concentration varied within the range of 4.1−13.0 mg/m2·month and reached maximum values in the spring and autumn seasons. The variability of the atmospheric flow of oil-type alkanes is determined by meteorological factors: air temperature and the number of days with wet precipitation. During the dry summer period (the proportion of days with rain is up to 10%), their content in the prevailing dry atmospheric fallout (aerosols) is characterized by minimal values.

Keywords: aliphatic oil-type hydrocarbons, season, meteorological factors, IR spectroscopy.

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