List of scientific works
- Shishkin Yu.E., Skatkov A.V. Information technologies for detecting anomalies in monitoring observations // Simferopol, 2019. 368 p.
- Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov A.V. Analysis of statistical stability of stationary Markov models // Proceedings of SPIIRAN. 2019. Vol. 18. No. 5. pp. 1119-1148.
- Skatkov A., Bryukhovetskiy A., Moiseev D. Detection of anomalies of the aquarium ecosystems of Sevastopol on the basis of the Markov model // E3S Web of Conferences. 2019. V. 126. P. 00032.
- Skatkov A., Bryukhovetskiy A., Moiseev D. Intellectual technology of detection of anomalies in the aquatoria ecosystems of the Sevastopol on the basis of data clustering // E3S Web of Conferences. 2019. V. 126. P. 00049.
- Malovik K.N., Skatkov A.V., Doronina Yu.V. An approach to the formation of preventive scenarios for complex technical objects of petrochemical and oil and gas production based on the state analysis system // AIP conference proceedings. “Oil and gas engineering, OGE 2019”. 2019. P. 030014.
- Shishkin Yu.E., Skatkov A.V. Quality metrics for assessing and predicting critical conditions // Quality and life. 2019. No. 1(21). pp. 61-66.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A., Shishkin Yu.E. Development of intelligent technology for detecting anomalies of ecosystems in the water area of Sevastopol // Environmental control systems. 2019. No. 1 (35). pp. 27-34.
- Shishkin Yu.E., Skatkov A.V. Increasing the reliability of risk assessments in monitoring processes with general distributions // Environmental control systems. 2019. No. 1(35). pp. 41-47.
- Shishkin Yu.E., Skatkov A.V. Intelligent system of adaptive selection of scenarios for parametric detection of divergences of monitoring data // Environmental control systems. 2019. No. 2 (36). pp. 37-42.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A., Moiseev D.V., Shishkin Yu.E. Kulbak’s measure in problems of dynamic clustering of observations of the state of the environment // Environmental control systems. 2019. No.3(37). pp. 35-38.
- Shishkin Yu.E., Skatkov A.V., Malovik K.N. Model representations for mobile applications of assessment and prediction of abnormal and pathological conditions // Quality and life. 2019. No. 1 (21). pp. 55-60.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A., Doronina Yu.V., Moiseev D.V., Skatkov I.A., Chengar O.V. Adaptive detection of vulnerabilities of interfaces of unmanned vehicles // Simferopol, 2020. 352 p.
- Skatkov A.V., Moiseev D.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A., Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov I.A., Shevchenko V.I. Structural synthesis of information exchange channels for unmanned vehicles // Simferopol, 2020. 320 p.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V., Shevchenko V.I. Detecting vulnerabilities of information resources of unmanned vehicles method based on dynamic evaluation of Markov sequences properties // IOP Conference Series: Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. Krasnoyarsk, Russia. 2020. P. 22033.
- Shevchenko V.I., Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Chengar O.V., Kokodey T.A. Multi-agent model of information interaction among unmanned vehicles // IOP Conference Series: Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. Krasnoyarsk, Russia. 2020. P. 22039.
- Moiseev D.V., Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A. Application of non-positional representation of information in the form of probabilistic mappings in control systems of unmanned vehicles // JOP Conference Series: Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. Krasnoyarsk, Russia. 2020. P. 22040.
- Skatkov A.V., Moiseev D.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A. Model for vulnerabilities detection in unmanned vehicle interfaces based on artificial immune systems // JOP Conference Series: Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. Krasnoyarsk, Russia. 2020. P. 22043.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V. Adaptive vulnerability detection model for unmanned vehicles drugs based on artificial immune systems // JOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. 2020. P. 12028.
- Moiseev D.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Skatkov A.V. Intelligent decision – making support on the level of encryption of information transmitted in the UMV information exchange channels // JOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. 2020. P. 12086.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V. Adaptive fuzzy model for detecting of vulnerabilities of unmanned vehicles interfaces based on evaluation of the information state of resources // JOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. 2020. P. 52029.
- Shevchenko V.I., Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Chengar O.V., Kokodey T.A. A conceptual model of communication for intelligent agents in the infrastructure of smart transportation systems // JOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. 2020. V. 862. P. 52030.
- Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov A.V., Moiseev D.V. Approach to the design of systems with variable structure based on the finite-automaton model // International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon). 2020. P. 1-6.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V., Shevchenko V.I. Adaptive method for detecting vulnerabilities of interfaces of unmanned vehicles in the infrastructure of a smart city // Infocommunication technologies. 2020. Vol. 18. No. 1. pp. 45-50.
- Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov A.V. Cascade-hierarchical modeling in the problems of analyzing the dynamics of resource characteristics of complex systems // Information and control systems. 2020. No. 3 (106). pp. 48-58.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V., Shevchenko V.I. Assessment of the states of natural and technical systems based on dynamic clustering // Environmental control systems. 2020. No. 1 (39). pp. 135-144.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V. Adaptation of mechanisms of artificial immune systems for environmental parameter control // Environmental control systems. 2020. No. 2 (40). pp. 127-133.
- Doronina E.B., Skatkov A.V., Doronina Yu.V. Modeling maintenance and repair intensity of production system based on variable structure process // International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). 2021. P. 774-778.
- Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov A.V. Analysis of resource availability of production systems based on the principle of permanent evaluation functional taking into account the type of multi-modeling topology // International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). 2021. P. 768-773.
- Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov A.V. Features of qualimetric analysis of polymodel complexes with variable topology in the study of complex technical systems // Vestn. Volume. State. Un-ta. Management, computer engineering and computer science. 2021. No. 56. pp. 49-58.
- Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov A.V. An approach to the decision support for oil and gas equipment maintenance based on multi-model reliability assessment // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2021. Vol. 2412. P. 050004.
- Krotov K.V., Skatkov A.V. Optimization of task package execution planning in multistage systems with constraints and the formation of sets // Computer research and modeling. 2021. Vol. 13. No. 5. pp. 917-946.
- Skatkov A.V., Shevchenko V.I., Mashchenko E.N., Chengar O.V. Modeling of environmental monitoring data processing processes in cloud infrastructure // Environmental control systems. 2021. Issue 3 (45). C. 79-88.
- Skatkov A.V., Krotov K.V. Organization of a Web-based environmental monitoring service using Earth remote sensing data and data processing pipelining // Proceedings of educational institutions of Communications. 2021. Issue 7(1). pp. 105-121.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V. Rank classifier of environmental conditions // Environmental control systems. 2021. Issue 1 (43). C. 129-136.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A., Moiseev D.V. Multivariant multichannel software and measurement complex for detecting abnormal states of natural and technical objects and systems // Environmental control systems. 2021. Issue 2 (44). C. 119-130.
- Shishkin Yu.E., Skatkov A.V. Hardware and software module for decision support on the presence of qualitative anomalous changes in sample data based on information metrics // Environmental control systems. 2021. Issue 2 (44). pp. 142-151.
- Doronina E.B., Skatkov A.V. The task of analyzing the effectiveness of repair and maintenance of complex technical equipment // Information Technologies. 2021. Issue.27. pp.51-56.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V., Skatkov I.A. Swarm intelligence in the tasks of detecting anomalies and states of natural-technical systems and objects // Environmental control systems. 2021. Issue 3 (45). C. 119-126.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V. Cluster dynamic model for detecting abnormal states of natural and technical systems // IEEE 2022 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). 2022. P. 858-862.
- Krotov K.V., Skatkov A.V. Construction of schedules for the execution of task packages in multistage systems when forming sets of results and constraints // Bulletin of SUSU. The series “mathematical modeling and programming”. 2022. Issue 15(2). pp. 70-85.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.A., Moiseev D.V. Cluster dynamic model for detecting abnormal states of natural and technical systems // IEEE 2022 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). 2022. P. 858-862.
Krotov K.V., Skatkov A.V. Construction of schedules for the execution of task packages in multistage systems when forming sets of results and constraints // Bulletin of SUSU. The series “mathematical modeling and programming”. 2022. Issue 15(2). pp. 70-85. - Skatkov A.V., Doronina A.V., Moiseev D.V. On the idempotency property of environmental control systems // Environmental control systems. 2022. No. 2 (48). pp. 92-100.
Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A., Moiseev D.V. Models of collaborations for detecting vulnerabilities of interfaces of unmanned vehicles in the conditions of counteraction based on the 5G standard // Information and Cosmos. 2022. No. 4 (2). pp. 58-65. - Doronina Yu.V., Skatkov A.V. Multicriteria analysis of statistical stability of system characteristics of information and telecommunication channels // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Management, computer engineering and computer science. 2022. No. 60. pp. 59-72.
- Skatkov A.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A. Collaborative strategies for detecting vulnerabilities of interfaces of information and measurement networks of PTS with 5G technologies // Environmental control systems. 2022. No. 3(49). pp. 84-96.
- Doronina E.B., Skatkov A.V. Multicriteria optimization of repair and profile works of complex technical equipment based on the unsteady Pareto front // Scientific and Analytical journal “Bulletin of the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia”. 2022. No. 1. pp. 52-64.
- Skatkov A.V., Doronina Yu.V., Bryukhovetsky A.A. Scenario approach to the management of monitoring processes of natural-technical systems // Environmental control systems. 2023. No. 1(51). pp. 108-117.