UDC 551.466.32
Wind-wave climate over the coastal zone of the Azov and the Black seas
1,2Evstigneev V.P., 1,3Naumova V.A., 1Voskresenskaya E.N., 2Evstigneev M.P., 3Ljubarec E.P.
Sevastopol: Institute of natural and technical systems. 2017. 320 p., fig.87, ref. 450.
1Institute of natural and technical systems, Russia, 299011, Sevastopol, 28, Lenin str.
2Sevastopol State university, Russia, 299053, Sevastopol, 33, Universitetskaya str.
3Sevastopol Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Russia, 299011, Sevastopol, 31, Sovetskaya, POB 260.
The monograph provides a recent knowledge about wind-wave conditions in the Azov – Black Sea coastal zone. The main focus is on estimation of wind-wave climate regime. It includes the statistical distributions of wind-wave characteristics, the analysis of macro synoptic processes conducive to the development of storms in the region, and identification of the pattern of formation of wind-wave anomalies driven by large-scale processes in the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. The conclusions of the monograph are based on the study of wide records of standard observation at the coastal network in the Azov and the Black Sea region from National hydrometeorological services.
The present monograph is aimed for researchers, postgraduate students, students specializing in climatology and oceanology as well as it can be of interest for specialists engaged in hydrometeorological service for marine industry.
DOI: 10.33075/978-5-6040795-0-8
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