Sorokin V. E., Kochnev V. V.
Scientific-research Institute “Centerprogrammsystem”, Russian Federation, Tver, St.-t 50 years of October, d. 3A
UDC 681.3.07
The requirements for the DBMS as the infrastructure software of the SCOS, storing and processing large amounts of information, are presented. The main features of the PostgreSQL object-relational DBMS that correspond to them are shown. The methods of its effective use in the execution of requests for processing data of meteorological observations for 10 years from three Crimean weather stations: Simferopol, Kerch and the Black Sea are justified. Features such as table inheritance, indexes, generalized table expressions, and built-in aggregate functions that allow you to efficiently perform similar and more complex data processing queries in the SKOS are highlighted.
Keywords: PostgreSQL DBMS, data and index types, table inheritance, generalized table expressions, aggregate functions, SQL query efficiency, meteorological observations.