Scientific basis of methods and means of monitoring and diagnosing the natural environment and climate |
О.О. Rybak, Е.А. Rybak, I.А. Коrneva. Problems of cloudiness parameterization in mathematical models of mountain glaciers |
7 |
A.A. Egorkin, A.P. Kulikova. The algorithm for applying models of various spatial scale to assess the negative effects on atmospheric air, taking into account the complex the terrain |
21 |
L.V. Stelmakh, A.A. Farber. The methodology of research on the transformation of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of the Black Sea in modern environmental conditions |
29 |
Technical means of environmental monitoring systems |
P.V. Manakhova, A.V. Smirnov, О.K. Tishkova, А.S. Kovalevskaya. Analysis of the toxicity of aromatic hydrocarbons using modern instrumental biotesting methods
38 |
Systems of environmental monitoring |
M.V. Kalashnikova. Influence of spatial variations of geological environmental factors on the results of radon measurements
49 |
N.A. Andreeva, E.A. Grebneva. Biodiversity and occurrence of cultivated cyanobacteria in bottom sediments of the Black Sea coast of Crimea depending on physical and chemical parameters of the environment
57 |
M.V. Michurina, E.V. Khayretdinova, E.K. Aminova, I.V. Ovsyannikova, L.Z. Kasyanova, A.A. Islamutdinova. Obtaining a soil modifier based on grain dust
67 |
Mathematical, algorithmic and software support in environmental monitoring systems |
Y.E. Shishkin, A.V. Skatkov. Information technologies based on a polymodel complex for solving heterogeneous monitoring network synthesis tasks
74 |
Yu.V. Doronina, V.Y. Gusev. Alternative modeling of the load of a monitoring database with a variable structure
84 |
G.R. Kasoev, G.A. Scherbina. Band selection algorithm for ORB feature detector in hyperspectral Earth remote sensing data
95 |
A.E. Shchodro, S.M. Sidorov, Yu.E. Shishkin. Turbulent and advective mass transfer at the border separation vortex zone behind the bottom thresholds and benches of hydraulic structures
104 |
A.M. Lyakh, P.V. Sapozhnikov. An imitation model of attached-mobile diatom microalgae
117 |
Yu.V. Doronina, A.M. Skatkov. An informational approach to the assessment of characteristics of the results of the Earth remote sensing
126 |
Alphabetical index of authors |
136 |