About the journal

Scientific and technical journal

“Monitoring systems of environment” (MSoE) / Sistemy kontrolya okruzhayushchej sredy (SKOS)

Founder and publisher: Federal state budgetary scientific institution “Institute of natural and technical systems” (INTS).

The journal publishes the results of work on the creation and use of environmental monitoring systems, analysis of climate change and environmental ecology.

The journal is registered by the Federal service for supervision of communications, information technology, and mass media (Roskomnadzor), Certificate of state registration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-63023 at 10 of september 2015.

The journal is registered in RSCI, license agreement No. 80-02 / 2016 dated 19.02.2016.

The journal is published in the catalog of scientific periodicals of the RSCI on the platform of scientific electronic information eLibrary.ru.

ISSN: 2220-5861 (Print)

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861

Articles are published in Russian or English, the journal is published four times a year.

The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences 01.02.2022 in the scientific specialty should be published: 2.2.8 – Methods and devices for monitoring and diagnostics of materials, products, substances and the natural environment (technical sciences).

The founder of collection of scientific works “Monitoring systems of environment”  was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor  V.A. Gaysky.

The first chief editor of  collection  “Monitoring systems of environment”  was Academician of NASU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.N. Eremeev.

At present  the chief editor  of journal  “Monitoring   systems  of  environment”  is  Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor  of  Geographical Sciences, Professor A.B. Polonsky.

Theme of  journal:

  • Scientific basis of methods and means of monitoring and diagnosing the natural environment and climate;
  • Technical means of environmental monitoring systems;
  • Systems of environmental monitoring;
  • Mathematical, algorithmic and software support in environmental monitoring systems;
  • Hardware, information and metrological reliability of environmental monitoring systems.

Brief  history

Collection of scientific works  and  then  journal  “Monitoring systems of environment” is published since 1998. Over the past period 56 issues were published, including 1,786 articles: 20 issues of collection in MHI NASU and 36 issues of journal in IPTS.

Electronic versions of journal are presented:

The procedure of submitting, reviewing and publication of articles sent to editorial office

All materials submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal are reviewed in accordance with its theme, for their expert evaluation. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on subject of reviewed materials and have publications on peer-reviewed articles for the last 3 years. The reviews are kept in editorial office for 5 years.

The review procedure:

The Editorial Board sends a submitted manuscript of scientific article for peer review to a Reviewer who is an expert in the subject matter. The Reviewer is invited by the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief responsible for a relevant section of MSoE. To avoid conflict of interest, reviewers should not be employees of the same organization where the author (authors) of the reviewed manuscript works (work). In the event that the subject matter of the manuscript does not fit the scope of the journal or contains fundamental errors, the manuscript is rejected at the first stage and is not considered hereafter.
After completion of the peer review process the manuscript that receives positive review or revised in accordance with the Reviewer comments is sent to a member of the Editorial Board responsible for a relevant section of the MSoE. Final decision on the manuscript publication is taken by the Editorial Board, taking into account the approval made by the member of the Editorial Board.

The editors of the journal send to the copies of review or a motivated refuse to authors of submissions and also undertake to send to the copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for admission to the editors of relevant request.
