A.B. Polonsky. To the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) |
7 |
Scientific basis of methods and means of monitoring and diagnosing the natural environment and climate |
I.А. Korneva, О.О. Rybak, Е.А. Rybak. Correction of the model climatic data for simualtion of the Central Caucasus mountain glaciers |
9 |
A.A. Egorkin, V.P. Evstigneev, S.Y. Samoilov.Investigation of the possibility of radiation screen application of the ambient air temperature sensor |
23 |
A.B. Fedotov. Investigation of the evolution of jet zonal wind flow using artificial sources and drains of vorticity |
30 |
Technical means of environmental monitoring systems |
Moe Thanda Kyi. Apparatus and analytical technique for biomass and materials
L.A. Krasnodubets, Y.E. Shishkin, O.Y. Shapovalov, A.V. Klimenko, M.N. Penkov. Marine autonomous profiler probe
A.A. Farber, L.V. Stelmakh. Comparative assessment of the chlorophyll “a” concentration in the Black Sea in the spring according to the data of the sounding complex and direct measurements |
52 |
I.A. Shishkin, Kh.O. Barkhkhuev, N.A. Zhilnikova, А.А. Berezina, V.O. Smirnova. Methods and means of remote identification of water quality indicators in a water body using unmanned aerial vehicles |
61 |
Systems of environmental monitoring |
P.D. Lomakin, A.I. Chepyzhenko.Concentration field of the colored dissolved organic matter of anthropogenic nature in the water area of Balaklava bay (Crimea) and adjacent areas of the sea
Yu.G. Artemov.Mapping of methane gas bubble streams in the external water area of the Sevastopol bay using recreational-grade sonar
81 |
Mathematical, algorithmic and software support in environmental monitoring systems |
A.E. Shchodro, S.M. Sidorov.The helical flow behind the bottom threshold kinematic structure analysis for the purpose of controlling its mass transfer characteristics and sediment transport
A.M. Lyakh. Analysis of morphometric characterisics and construction of trajectories of heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina locomotion using R scripts
Hardware, information and metrological reliability of environmental monitoring systems |
A.B. Polonsky, E.A. Grebneva. Verification of CMEMS BS-Biogeo-chemistry re-analysis data of pH value in the Black Sea based on the results of direct measurements
V.A. Nurzai, F.A. Gubarev, V.A. Ley. Application of optical displacement measurement methods to monitor engine vibration
A.G. Klimenko, A.V. Dologlonyan, V.T. Matveenko. Analysis of modern technologies for improving the efficiency of heat emissions from internal combustion engines
Z.H. Zufarova, M.F. Zagidullina, E.K. Aminova, L.Z. Kasyanova, A.A. Islamutdinova. Environmentally friendly polymer coating for foodstuffs |
139 |
Alphabetical index of authors |
145 |