O.V. Smolova, A.S. Kovalevskaya, M.I. Semenova, A.V. Smirnov
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”, RF, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov St., 5
E-mail: ovsmolova@etu.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2023-1-127-134
UDC 504.064.38
In this article, we consider the implementation of a software and hardware complex for analyzing the motion activity of P. Caudatum ciliates. Analysis of scientific works in related fields, as well as previous studies have shown the ability of paramecium to respond to the presence of toxic substances by changing the parameters of its motion. Data were obtained indicating differences in the motion trajectory, speed and frequency of turns of ciliates, depending on the active substance type.
To automate the process of obtaining the parameters of motion activity, a software and hardware complex was developed that allows obtaining and analyzing photographs of ciliates motion. When working on the software and hardware complex, internal and external factors effecting the experimental results were analyzed. A mock-up of an installation for photographic recording of the motion activity of paramecium that meets the established requirements was created. Studies were also carried out to determine the necessary and sufficient cell concentration for analysis.
The software implemented in the MatLab environment performs image processing, removing noise in accordance with the specified parameters. Then the resulting image with projections of the motion trajectories of ciliates is formed, and the numerical characteristics of the motion activity are evaluated. A module was also implemented that allows obtaining a numerical value of the image brightness index, the value of which depends on the type of ciliates motion.
This software and hardware complex allows conducting serial studies aimed at identifying the features of the impact of various groups of toxic substances on the motion activity of ciliates.
Keywords: biotesting, toxicity, motion trajectory, software package, heavy metals, P. Caudatum.
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