Hydrological characteristics of the waters adjacent to the west coast of Crimea, according to research expeditions to the HS “Donuzlav” in June 2016

E.A. Grebneva, A.B. Polonsky, A.N. Serebrennikov

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28

E-mail: lenagrebneva12@gmail.com

UDC 556


   The study of the spatial inhomogeneity of the fields of temperature and salinity according to expedition HS “Donuzlav”, performed in June 2016 in the south-eastern part of the north-western Black Sea shelf. We study and analyze the spatial and temporal variability of thermohaline anomalies, as an indicator of wind-driven upwelling on the shelf of the western coast of Crimea. The likely causes of the thermohaline inhomogeneities on the test site were identified.

Keywords: hydrometeorological conditions in the N-W Black Sea, thermohaline anomalies, wind surge\upwelling near the western coast of the Crimea.


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