Features variations in the air temperature observed after exposure to solar flares

E.S. Vysochina, Ya.O. Yeremin, V.A. Velichko, S.N. Basan

Branch of Federal state budget educational institution higher education “Russian state hydrometeorological University” in Tuapse Krasnodar Krai,

Russia, Tuapse, Morskaya St., 7

E-mail: vysochina.e.s@yandex.ru, doncerbugaga@mail.ru, velichko.46@bk.ru, sbasan@mail.ru

UDC 551.557.550.424


   According to the statistical processing of meteorological studies of the peculiarities of variations in air temperature, which are observed after exposure to solar flares. Fast particles lead to the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field and the influence of different parameters of air, including its temperature.

Keywords: geomagnetic storm, a solar flare, air temperature, magnetic field.

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