A. B. Polonsky, P.A. Sukhonos
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: pasukhonis@mail.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2017-2-86-92
UDC 551.46.261
The nature of the joint effect of the seasonal fluctuations in the components of the current vector and ocean temperature gradients in the upper mixed layer (UML) on the average long-term advective heat transport from the oceanic reanalyzes data ORA-S3, GFDL and GODAS in the period 1980-2011 is considered. It is shown that in some regions of the North Atlantic the components of the current vector and the temperature gradients of the UML are closely correlated on a seasonal scale. The joint effect of seasonal fluctuations of the current vector components and temperature gradients in the UML makes a significant contribution on the average long-term advective heat transport in the North Atlantic UML in regions to the south of 10° N and in the inner part of the subtropical gyre.
Keywords: upper mixed layer, joint effect of seasonal fluctuations of the current velocity vector components and temperature gradients, horizontal advection of heat, North Atlantic.
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