V.A. Gaisky, P.V. Gaisky
Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
E-mail: gaysky@inbox.ru
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-3-13-18
UDC 536.5.08
The method is intended for use in oceanology and can be used in other areas. The essence of the method is in using distributed profilemeters, containing n conductors modulated by linear sensitivity to the functions using three profilemeters with different temperature (αi) and tenso (βi) sensitivity , placing them in a common soft shell and installed in medium along measured profile, measuring conductors resistance and determine the profile of temperature θ(z), pressure P(z) and density ρ(z) by formulas:
where z – spatial coordinate on profile (in particular, depth); aj , bj – expansion coefficients θ(z) and P(z) on basis of orthogonal functions , and coefficients aj and bj are determined by solving of n equations systems in the form:
where для для – integral measured resistance of 0-conductor (unmodulated) of i-profilemeter; Rij – integral measured resistance of j-conductor, modulated by function φj(z) with amplitude rim at background of constant component rim; Rim – equivalent resistance of i-profilemeter conductor with constant linear resistance rim with initial conditions; dP(z)/dz – derivative of pressure profile at point z; g(φ,z) – gravitational acceleration depending on geographical latitude of place φ and point depth z on profile. Technical result is in simultaneous measurement of temperature, pressure and density profiles with increased accuracy.
Keywords: distributed thermoprofilemeters, pressure thermoprofilemeter, density profile.
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