Stepanova O.A.1, Gaisky P.V.1, Sholar S.A.2
1 Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Lenin St., 28
2 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Kapitanskaya St., 2
DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-3-19-28
UDC 578.4 (262.5); 681.3.06; 535.8
By means of authoring laboratory installation new results of researches of change of the electrical conductance (EC) of sea water under the influence of a sea microbiota and virus lysis (cell destruction under the influence of active viral infection) were received and previous results (2017) are confirmed. Microalgae cultures of Tetraselmis viridis, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Tisochrysis lutea and strains of algal viruses for these cultures – TvV-S1, PtV-S18 and TlV-17-5, respectively, were used as marine micro biota. Some of experiments were performed also with studying the change in the transparency of seawater before and after the addition of the micro biota. Measuring the transparency in a laboratory installation was carried out using multi-spectral light beam attenuation meter. The obtained results confirmed the previously revealed facts of the reduction of EC of marine water during viral lysis. The data of the light beam attenuation coefficient (BAC) of seawater in dynamics before and after addition of cultures of microalgae and suspensions of algal viruses testified to the role of viral lysis in changing the transparency of seawater. Viral lysis was accompanied by a decrease in BAC, i.e. the increase of transparency. For the first time carried by us experiments (2017-2018) with using the developed laboratory installation and with an integrated sensor for fixing the EC in a liquid medium, using the BAC meters and constituents of micro biota (microalgae cultures and virus suspensions), allowed us to establish for the first time the role of marine viruses in the modification of certain physical parameters (EC and transparency) of their habitat – marine water.
Keywords: electric conductivity (EC) of marine water, algal viruses, microalgae, universal laboratory installation, light beam attenuation coefficient (BAC), multi-spectral light beam attenuation meter.
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