Localization of gas bubble streams from the bottom of the Laspi Bay

Yu.G. Artemov,  D.B. Evtushenko,  I.N. Moseichenko

Institute of Marine Biological Research, Russian Federation, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Av., 2

E-mail: yu.g.artemov@gmail.com

DOI: 10.33075/2220-5861-2018-1-69-73

UDC 551.465


   During the echo-survey at the open part of the bay of Laspi, a path of more than 25 km was passed. The area covered by acoustic observations was, approximately, 41,5∙103 m2. In total, 5 acoustic anomalies were revealed, identifying the presence of gas bubble streams in the depth range 14 – 24 m. It is assumed they are originated from the same deep source of hydrocarbon gases from which methane emits at the apex of the bay.

Keywords: Black Sea, gas bubble streams, hydroacoustics, the bay of Laspi.

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